November 2013 Armistice Day Match

I took my US Model of 1917 out for the November “Armistice Day match.” While not “official” the November match usually falls around Armistice Day so folks bring WWI rifles to this match.

It was an unseasonably nice for shooting, in the 60s, sunny and calm. Historically I’ve had trouble with this rifle, extraction isssues, trouble working the bolt and finding a good cheek weld. Other then have a little trouble with my position in slow prone, I had none of the problems I’ve had in the past with this rifle and I am happy with my score (80%). No misses in off hand, which made me happy, I’ve been dry fire practicing, working on keeping my support elbow a little tighter, and breaking the shot at the bottom of my breath. Which seems to have paid off.

I have found a good rhythm with my data book, which if nothing else helps me slow down and think about each shot.

Since earlier this season my scores have increased with the AR and garand I was happy that this has translated to the bolt gun, despite my lack of practice with it. Just one more match for the season coming up in December then a couple months of cold PA winter and practice.



Model of 1917 Extraction Problems Resolved!

I was able to successfully fix the ejection problems my M1917 was having with a flex hone, I posted about it here

While my initial “less than a minute” wasn’t enough, I honed it again for longer maybe 3 minutes in and out slowly (that’s what she said?) After I was done the shoulders were “white” so there was probably a lot of build up from years of shooting blanks.

HXP ejected like butter, some of my reloads still needed some extra force but that could be related to me poorly sizing the brass, mentioned back in may

I may touch it up just a bit more but I am excited that I finally found a solution!

I forgot to take a picture of my 1917 so instead here is one of my Winchester Grenadier while being test fired for the first time. (worked pretty well, 4 MOE, for an ME=3 rifle)
