July John C. Garand Match

I had a great match this weekend with my Garand. My best match yet with a final score of 230 1X!


My new Creedmoor jacket seemed to help, especially in prone. Off hand seemed much more stable however I struggled with my ear pro as my cheek weld was a bit off with the extra material in my shoulder. This cost me a couple (ok three) misses. However I seem to have gotten the hang of it and I’ll use my low profile ear pro at Camp Perry. Which is quickly approaching!

June Garand Match

Brought the Garand out for the June match at Kimberton. My elevation seems to be a bit low on slow prone which hurt my overall score. However, I felt good with how I handled the Garand so all in all it was a good match for me.

Hopefully this will me my last match without a jacket. I’m going on week 13 of my 10-12 week wait for the
creedmoor hardback I ordered.