Glock G40 10mm: One Mean Mother F’er 

At the 2015 SHOT show, Glock announced that the Glock 40 would be a 10mm long slide, the internet erupted with crying for a single stack 9mm. But not me! This was the Glock I had been waiting for. Since then I have been scouring the countryside asking every shop I stopped in if they had “that new 10mm long slide Glock”.  After being shown several .40 cal Glocks, my quest came to an end. I was lucky enough to find a Glock 40 MOS (G40) at a nice little gun store in the Outer Banks of NC when I was on vacation last week. After a couple agonizing days waiting for USPS to get it to my FFL, I picked it up and took it to the range.

The G40 is a 10mm long slide with Glock’s MOS optic mounting system. It a Gen4 Glock so it comes with 3 magazines and interchangeable back straps. It sports a nice 4.5 lbs trigger with a clean crisp break.  The G40 has a full 6 inch barrel with a 8 inch sight radius and thick 1.12″ slide, which is quite a bit larger than the other Glock long slides.  It was designed and marketed for hunting but I wanted it for … well because it is awesome, and it will make a handy woods gun.

Right off the bat this thing is a monster. It makes G34s look small. I have a couple of 1911s and a 44 in the stable and the Glock 40 dwarfs them all. My local gun shop Gordon’s Sports Supply was kind enough to let me take a comparison picture of it next to a G42 380.

The largest Glock and the smallest Glock.

To the range

This monster can seem a little intimidating at first. But I can assure you it shoots like a dream. The recoil is surprisingly mild; of course I was shooting “normal” factory loads, nothing too hot. I was expecting it to be closer to my 44 magnum but it felt comparable to a 1911.

The long slide at the very least makes me feel like it is more accurate. At 10 yards it makes a nice little 10 round group on my popper.

The G40 is certainly capable of long-range shots. The author however is not quite a long-range pistol marksmen.


My wife sent some rounds down range with the G40 and was also impressed with its accuracy and manageable recoil. We burnt up around 200 rounds a mix of JHP and FMJ and despite some efforts to limp wrist it and not even bothering to give it a drop of lube,  neither of us had a stoppage.

Thoughts on the MOS:

As far as the MOS system I am going to hold off on that for now. For my purposes, I won’t be using it for hunting so irons are plenty and less to worry about. I plan on replacing the Glock OEM adjustable sights with 3 dot night sights as that’s what I have on the rest of my Glocks. The MOS adds a nice flexibility to the platform. If you do plan on using the G40 for hunting mounting  a red dot optic would be very handy. Chances are I will end up installing something sometime down the road.




Holsters are limited for the G40 right now presumably because it is so new. The slide on the G40 is the same width as the G20 1.12″  as opposed to the slimmer 1 inch slides of the other long slide Glocks. I reached out to Raven Concealment Systems, who unfortunately informed me they will not be making a light compatible holster for the G40. This is a shame as the G40 with a Surefire X300 ultra would make an outstanding camping gun.

I shifted my holster search to leather holsters and ordered a Simply Rugged Cuda Holster which will likely be my go to holster for this handgun. I have one of their Sourdough Pancake Holsters that will function OWB, IWB and is compatible with their chesty puller chest harness which is handy for carrying large handguns.

A Home Run:

Cheaper Than Dirt, who only briefly shot the G40 at the shot show, complained that the iron sights are too low and did not co-witness with the dot. Because of this, they so boldly claim the G40 is “not a home run“. Well, as CTD often is, they are wrong. If I must use a baseball analogy

this monster is such home run people in the stands are going to start heading home before the 7th inning because the game’s won. Its accurate, powerful, versatile , easy  and just plain fun to shoot.  If this is a set up you are interested in, using higher suppressor sights is a pretty easy solution.

I’ve been carrying the G40 for a few days in a VG2, around the office and really is not that difficult to carry. It is no Glock 19, but of course it is no Glock 19.

If you are on the fence if the G40 is right for you, I can without hesitation say it is. I’ve only had this Mean Mother F’er for a week or so and it is quickly becoming my favorite handgun.



Glock 19 or Glock 26

Many folks thinking about buying a glock ask, should I get a Glock 19 or Glock 26?

I have both and they each have advantages.

The Glock 26 is more concealable and gives you more carry options, i.e. pocket carry. I also find the 26 prints noticeably less in the same holster when compared to the 19. The glock 26 will take the Glock 17,19, and 26s magazines.

The Glock 19 has higher capacity and can be a little more comfortable to shoot because of the longer grip.

The 26 gets a lot of criticism for its short grip. Yes your pinky will “hang” but with a little practice you’ll be able to shoot the 26 as well or better than the 19.

I’m not a big fan of using pinky extension magazines in the 26. The biggest advantage the 26 has going for it is it’s concealability an extension defeats the purpose. If you practice with the extension because it is easier you will likely carry with the standard magazine and your training may not translate.

My official recommendation: get both, they compliment each other nicely.

Pictures to compare the two



Glock 26 using Glock 19 magazine


Glock 19 and 26 sharing the same crossbreed supertuck made for a glock 19



Printing of the Glock 26 in crossbreed supertuck


Printing of the Glock 19 in the same crossbreed supertuck
