Took the M1 Carbine out for the freezer match. This is a “fun match” our club runs, any rifle, any sight. I took out my M1 Carbine as had not had much trigger time with it yet.
It was a nice crisp day in the low 30’s and a little overcast. The match was a 40 round off hand match. I had never so much as fired my carbine off hand so I did about as poorly as I had expected to do. But this was a good start towards getting the hang of shooting this thing.
Unfortunately on my last target the lug on my M1 Carbine flat bolt sheared off so I wasn’t able to finish the match. There are picture below of the broken bolt. It seems I have some work to do on this carbine before Perry.
All and all it was a great match, there was chili, coffee, and door prizes with the benefits going to charity, I’ll need to keep practicing during the off season. The National Matches will be here before I know it!
The Broken Bolt: