CMP 1911s and the NDAA: passed the senate, veto threat.

10/22/15 update: The NDAA was vetoed as a whole, not specificity because of CMP. 

Well, I have some crow to eat. Despite my predictions that the NDAA amendment to allow CMP to sell 1911s was probably dead, it passed the senate Thursday. 

CMP’s Facebook post with the announcement:
Don’t start sending CMP orders for service grade Colts just yet. What this does is change CMP’s charter so they are not limited to 30 and 22 cal firearms only. It could still be years,  best case, until CMP sells 1911s.

This has to be signed by Obama and he has recently threatened to veto the bill over other issues in the NDAA so it’s still anyone’s ball game. But this is very good news.

Big thanks to CMP for their efforts to get it this far.