Win at York Riflemen!

Great match at York this weekend. 

Started out with my best off hand with optics. I spent more time dryfiring in Prep, 5 shots without wasting time between them. It seemed to help to get in the rhythm. 

The rest of the match went well. I made a over correction off my sighters for prone and dropped 5 out the bottom and 4 in slow prone. The slow prone 9s were all eye fatigue, I need to remember to reset when I am struggling to get a good sight picture and try again, even in prone.

My shots under all of the reduced target faces

I end up with a 773, just 3 points shy of a elusive high master score, but good enough to come in first! 

No XTC for a couple of weeks until I head off to Perry for their early ECI match in a couple of weeks.