Freshly back from Camp Perry, I went to my club’s monthly Garand Match. I skipped the Service Rifle Match the day before thanks to US Airways delaying my flight the night before. I felt a little weird call off from a match, I felt more guilty than calling off for work. It was warm and a little overcast on Sunday but a good day for shooting. While it’s probably an excuse, my Garand was just stripped down and reassembled after a good soaking at Camp Perry so it may not have been “settled into the wood” just yet.
That said, I had a decent match, I dropped some 7s in slow prone, which I am blaming on the freshly reassembled rifle. I did have a miss in off hand, that I beat my self up about a bit. However, I took a look at some of my stats, and I do seem to be making some progress in off hand. I need to keep working on off hand, more dry firing, and more time with my 22.